刘大鹏,颜蕊,鲁恒新,周娜,郭峰,谭巧,李文静,黄建平,泽仁志玛. 张衡一号01卫星等离子体分析仪2级标准科学数据产品集(2019-2023)[EB/OL].
Liu Dapeng, Yan Rui,Lu Hengxin, Zhou Na, Guo Feng, Tan Qiao, Li Wenjing, Huang Jianping,Zeren Zhima. ZH-1(01) PAP Level 2 Data Set (2019-2023) [EB/OL].
中文致谢方式:“本工作使用了中国国家航天局和中国地震局支持的张衡一号卫星的观测数据,感谢应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院(https://www.leos.ac.cn)、中国地震台网中心、国家地震科学数据中心(https://data.earthquake.cn) 提供数据支撑。”
英文致谢方式:This work made use of the data from CSES mission, a project funded by China National Space Administration (CNSA) and China Earthquake Administration (CEA). Acknowledgement for the data support from "National Institute of Natural Hazards, MEMC(https://www.leos.ac.cn), China Earthquake Networks Center, National Earthquake Data Center. (https://data.earthquake.cn)
Liu Dapeng, Zeren Zhima, Huang He, et al. The ionospheric plasma perturbations before a sequence of strong earthquakes in southeast Asia and northern Oceania in 2018. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 5735.
Liu Dapeng, Zeren Zhima, Shen Xuhui, et al. Typical ionospheric disturbances revealed by the plasma analyzer package onboard the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, Advances in Space Research, 2021, 68 (9), 3796-3805.
刘大鹏, 申旭辉, 杨德贺, 赵庶凡. 张衡一号卫星观测的地基VLF波电离层加热扰动特征, 电波科学学报, 2021, 36(6): 768-774.